Friday, August 21, 2009

I Hope This Was a Punking

And not someone's serious contribution to the discourse

Because if I read this right, a FOX Las Vegas viewer actually thinks it was not Michael Vick's fault, it was the dogs' because they, again we are talking about the dogs, could have walked away at any time.

[ ... ]

Now as I reread before posting, this must be a gag, someone with as black a sense of humor as mine and with the balls to call it into the station. I would presume and probably be wrong that anyone that actually thought the animals were the ones at fault here and not Michael Vick would realize he was so far in the moral minority that he would be wise not to share with his neighbor much less a television audience.

Going to be a good fun long season for Eagles fans.

Hat tip to lifetime Eagles fan, season ticket holder and Curly R reader/lurker Wilbert Montgomery for the spot, image from here via KSK.