Friday, November 12, 2010

Piling On


At some point this week I need to turn back to the Redskins, for now I am still wallowing in the midseason firing of Dallas head coach Wade Phillips and the Cowboys' smile inducing 1-7 record.

So imagine the pleasantness of my surprise when I open my weekly copy of The Onion on Metro this morning and see the Cowboys covered in Sports. Money quote:

According to a recent USA Today poll... Thirty-two percent [of the country] said that the season has been emotionally taxing for people who grew up worshipping Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman, and Emmitt Smith, and that those people should probably go fuck themselves anyway.

Enjoy your weekend, the Cowboys play at Giants Sunday in the late game, let us Redskins fans tune in and be the game's laugh track.

Team attending to an injured Tony Romo: Uncredited image from here.